Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Day Boo Got Stitches...

I've been slacking in my blogging lately for various reasons. Here's a few:

1. It's been raining non-stop for the past two weeks. No exaggeration. So we've been stuck mostly in the house without any outside play and positive vitamin D energy; therefore, my hands have been quite full of antsy, wiggly kids. It's currently raining again as I write this. You'd think we lived in London or something. Even the 4th of July fireworks in and around our town were cancelled due to this crazy monsoon. :(

No, we aren't headed to the pool! She's just ready to go outside in the pool of mud & rain we once called our backyard! :)

2. Mr. Fix-it has been home more as his work load has temporarily decreased so we've been enjoying the extra time with him!

Corky's first movie. She did really well! (Thank goodness for popcorn & candy!)

3. Buddy just finished 5 sessions of swim lessons. And those were mostly conducted in the rain. In freezing cold water. But he did awesome anyway! Kids are resilient, I tell ya!

A Popsicle to celebrate the end of swim lessons!

But during these rather crazy kind of weeks, we did manage to squeeze in some extra excitement...

She handled it like a pro!

Boo got stitches! 

I never in my wildest dreams imagined that the first child in our home to need stitches would be our little 19 month old Boo! (and it was on her 19 month old "birthday" at that....poor girl!)

Buddy, the one who jumps off counters, climbs on top of his mile-high play set, scales fences & doorways, and does acrobats from the monkey bars....he's the one I assumed would need stitches first.

But nope. Our little "Boo-Boo" as we now call her paved the way for the first traumatic experience in our family. 

Thankfully, she only needed 3 stitches to close up a small gash on the back of her head when she fell and hit it on a kitchen table chair. She was trying to steal more of her sister's peanut butter crackers.

Lesson learned: stealing & climbing are dangerous! :) 

But no, our little climber didn't learn a thing and came back from the urgent care visit blazin' through the house at 90 miles an hour and trying to climb right back on the table of which she fell.

She's fearless!

I will do a shout-out to our pediatric children's urgent care who made the experience less traumatic with a numbing GEL instead of a lidocaine shot (which I had to get last year when I needed stitches in my hand....from cutting a stinkin' avocado! That lidocaine shot hurt more than the actual slicing of my hand. Stupid lidocaine shot. Where was MY numbing gel?) The only terrible part was when they had to strap her face down in a papoose. She didn't like that part. Neither did her Mommy. Poor doctors had to hear me belt out every nursery rhyme I knew just to try to keep her calm.

I swear I am going to have gray hair from this bunch of monkeys I'm raising! 

4th of July and no place to go....because of the rain. So we went to the theatre. With 25,692 other rained-out 4th of Julyers. :)

Never a dull moment in our home! Never a dull moment! :)

Happy Thursday!

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